Chairman of the board
Narzullaev Zufar Giyasovich
- Short biography
Born in 1970 in Gallaorol district, Jizzakh region. Nationality - Uzbek. Education - higher.
In 1991 he graduated from the Samarkand Agricultural Institute.
In 2007 he graduated State and Society Building Academy under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
In 2009 he graduated Tashkent Institute of Railway Transport Engineers.
Since 1996, he has worked in various senior positions in the structural divisions of the railway sector of Uzbekistan.
In 2009-2016, he headed the Directorate for Capital Construction of the Railway Sector and took an active part in the construction of the Angren-Pap electrified railway.
In 2016-2017, he was the first deputy khokim of the Jizzakh region.
Since 2017, Zufar Narzullaev has served as director of the engineering company O‘zshahar qurilish invest.
In 2014, he was awarded the Order “Fidokorona mehnatlari uchun” (“For Services to the Fatherland”).
From Jule 13, 2023, by the decision of the sole shareholder of "Uzbekistan Temir Yullari" joint stock company No. 13/15-1 dated Jule 13, 2023, he was appointed Acting Chairman of the Board.
- Job responsibilities
- performs the general management of activity of the company and its executive device, bears personal responsibility for performance of the tasks assigned to society and observance of the Charter of JSC «O'zbekiston temir yo'llari», distributes duties between vice chairmen of the board, defines their powers in the solution of questions of activity of JSC «O'zbekiston temir yo'llari»;
- provides control over the implementation of normative documents Oliy Majlis, the President of the Republic, the Cabinet, Council and board;
- provides overall performance of society, the end results of its work in general and carries out a package of measures on increase of traffic safety of trains;
- realizes personnel policy;
- coordinates questions of planning of economic and financial activity and work of farms of society;
- provides the principle of justice, a combination of economic, administrative methods of the management, one-man management and collective nature in discussion and the solution of questions of activity of society;
- is the member of council on railway transport of the State Parties of the Commonwealth;
- (+998 71) 237-96-45; (+998 71) 238-80-28
- info@uzrailway.uz
Wednesday 15.00 - 16.00
- Short biography
First deputy chairman of the board
Rakhmetov Khikmatulla Narzullayevich
- Short biography
- Job responsibilities
- directs economic, financial and investment activity of society;
- carries out the organization and improvement of economic activity of branch directed on increase of efficiency and profitability of production;
- provides growth of labor productivity and a salary with achievement of the greatest results at the smallest expenses of material, labor and financial resources;
- coordinates questions on improvement of system and structure of management of society, work with securities;
- will organize consideration of materials on the installed systems of awarding and other types of moral and material incentive;
- activity of divisions JSC «O'zbekiston temir yo'llari» on drawing up perspective indicators of economic and social development directs and coordinates;
- directs work on economical and rational use of material resources.
- directs economic, financial and investment activity of society;
- (+998 71) 238-85-04
- info@uzrailway.uz
Monday 17:00-18:00
- Short biography
Vice chairman of the board
Kamildzhanov Abdumalik Abduvakhitovich
- Short biography
- Job responsibilities
- directs operational work of the company, will organize work on ensuring transportation process regarding rational use of locomotive crews and traction means, improvement of quality of transportations, effective use of a rolling stock and technical means, improvement of technology of management of transportation process;
- exercises control of safety of train service and production of shunting work in general on JSC «O'zbekiston temir yo'llari»;
- carries out corrective measures in activity of divisions of society regarding performance of tasks on transportations, questions of safety of train service and production of shunting work;
- provides improvement of use of locomotives and cars, improvement of the account and reporting, operation of computer aids, introduction of modern information and communication technologies;
- directs development of the train schedule and the related technical and technological standards.
- (+998 71) 238-89-50
- info@uzrailway.uz
Friday 18.00 - 20.00
- Short biography
Vice chairman of the board
Yusupov Jamolbek Zokir ugli
- Short biography
From January 6, 2023, by the decision of the sole shareholder of "Uzbekistan Temir Yullari" joint stock company No. 72 dated December 30, 2022, he was appointed Deputy Chairman of the Board.
- Job responsibilities
- will organize work on social development of labor collectives and formation of personnel capacity of the company;
- resolves the issues connected with improvement of life and life, satisfaction of material and spiritual needs of employees of the company;
- the organization of educational work at the enterprises and institutions of the company, strengthening of influence of labor collectives in strengthening of discipline;
- control of observance of social justice at the solution of questions of the social sphere;
- organization of work on development of health system, the highest and secondary special education, improvement, rest and sport;
- the organization at the enterprises of the company of continuous productive and economic education, effective vocational guidance, promotion of labor traditions and prestigiousness of a profession of the railroader
- Short biography
Vice chairman of the board
Rizaev Elyor Abdumalikovich
- Job responsibilities
- organizes the formation of the investment program, the implementation of the investment policy of the company, including those implemented by foreign investment, and address program of construction projects;
- organizes the introduction of new technologies in the field of construction;
- organizes the construction of production facilities and social facilities in the standard terms;
- ensures realization of plans to build and repair facilities of Corporation " O’zbekistan temir yo’llari ";
- coordinates the activity of the building enterprises of the company, as well as their interaction with the ministries, departments and other units of the construction industry in terms of the implementation of capital construction plans;
- ensures rational distribution and development base construction and contracting companies of JSC "Uzbekistan Railways", as well as improving the efficiency of their work;
- directs the work on economical and rational use of material resources in the course of construction;
- controls the functions of the organization of technical supervision over the quality of construction and installation works;
- monitors the implementation of the plan design and survey work;
- provides a high technical level of projects under construction and reconstruction of objects;
- prepares proposals on investment in assigned sectors of the economy;
- decides on activity units subsistence agriculture, to improve their performance.
- organizes the formation of the investment program, the implementation of the investment policy of the company, including those implemented by foreign investment, and address program of construction projects;
- (+99871) 238-88-91
- info@uzrailway.uz
Monday 18:00 - 20:00
- Job responsibilities
Advisor to the Chairman of the Management Board
Abdurazakov Akbarjon Kuchkarovich
- Job responsibilities
- Monitoring the timely execution of documents received by the company from the Presidential Administration, the Cabinet of Ministers, ministries and other organizations;
- Effective organization of the execution of legislative acts on the basis of Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 10, 2021 No. UP-6166;
- Information on the execution of instructions contained in the relevant paragraphs of decrees, resolutions, orders and statements of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 31, 2021 No. PP-5132 "ijro.gov.uz " control over the timely deployment of an interdepartmental unified electronic system;
- Preparation for the board meeting of generalized information on the executive discipline of resolutions, decrees and orders of the President and Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
- Organization of the board meeting, organization of familiarization of the relevant departments with the protocols;
- Timely accept incoming and outgoing documents received by the company from the Presidential Administration, the Cabinet of Ministers, ministries and other organizations " edo.ijro.uz control of implementation into the electronic document management system;
- Participation in meetings with responsible persons on decisions, decrees and orders of the President and Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
- Control over the preparation of the draft work plan of the secretariat, as well as the draft duty list of responsible persons in the central office and departments of the company;
- Organization of inspections of the state of record keeping and performance discipline in public administrations, centers, MTU and enterprises;
- The card library №1, №2, №3, №4 control over the collection and analysis of data on the control tables on the form;
- Review and edit all management letters, orders and other types of documents before entering them into the signature;
- Consideration of letters, complaints, applications and proposals received by the secretariat in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
- Participation in the implementation of the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001:2008;
- Ensures the non-disclosure of official information and trade secrets related to the company's activities.
- (+998 71) 237-96-63
- kotibiyat@railway.uz
Wednesday 14:00 – 16:00
- Job responsibilities