Industrial enterprises
Chairman of the board of JSC “Uztemiryulmashtamir” Passport of the enterprise |
Khalikov Kodirkhon Usarovich |
Tashkent, A.Kodirova St., 64 (371) 237-88-85 (371)233-65-84 trz@rambler.uz www.trz-web.uz |
Wednesday from 14-00 till 16-00 |
Chairman of the board of JSC "Foundry and Mechanical Plant" Passport of the enterprise |
Khasilov Khusnutdin Nuriddinovich |
Tashkent, H.Baykaro St., 41 (371)295-21-94 info_qmz@umail.uz |
Thursday from 14-00 till 18-00 |
Chairman of the board of JSC "Andizhan Mechanical Plant" Passport of the enterprise |
Ayubjonov Zaynobiddin Mirzaolimovich |
Andijan Region, Andijan, Oshskaya St., 8 (374)223-56-39 info@amz.uz www.all.amz.uz |
Wednesday from 14-00 till 16-00 |
Acting Chairman of the board of JSC “Tashkent Plant on Repair and Service of Cars” Passport of the enterprise |
Dadakhodzhayev Dilshod Farrukhovich |
Tashkent, Kichik xalka yuli St., 8 (371)259-46-42 rempassvagon@mail.ru www.rempassvagon.uz |
Monday from 16-00 till 17-00 Friday from 17-00 till 18-00 |
Chairman of the board-General direktor of JSC “Tashkent Mechanical Plant” Passport of the enterprise |
Isokov Zafar Zinnatulloevich |
Tashkent, Elbek St., 61, (371) 232-82-16 admin@tmz.uz www.tmz.uz |
Monday from 13-30 till 16-00 Friday from 13-30 till 16-00 |
Director of board of JSC “Uzvagontamir” Passport of the enterprise |
Atadjanov Shamurat Hangeldiyevich |
Tashkent, 100073, Yashnabad district, Fergana road 3-tor street, house 163 (95) 143-98-03 uzvagontamir@railway.uz www.uzvagontamir.uz |
Tuesday from 15-00 till 17-00 |
Direktor of JSC “Granit” Passport of the enterprise |
Saidov N. |
Samarkand Region, Pakhtachinsky district, Hayrobod of KFY, +998 (90) 087-55-99 zadingranit@mail.ru www.granitaj.uz |
Wednesday from 16-00 till 18-00 |
Director of JSC “Eyvalek makhsus temir beton” Passport of the enterprise |
Eshkulov Otabek Rustamovich |
Tashkent Region, Akhangaransky District, Eyvalek Settlement, +998 (90) 844-06-66 emtb@railway.uz www.emtb.uz |
Thursday from 14-00 till 16-00 |
Head of LLC "1-Spetsializirovanny stroitelno-montazhny poyezd” Passport of the enterprise |
Tsoy Viktor Robertovich |
Tashkent, Djami St., 209 (371)259-43-60 ssmp406@rambler.ru
Friday from 17-00 till 19-00 |
Head of LLC “1-Energomontazhny poyezd” | Safarbekov Anvarbek Safarbekovich |
Tashkent, Talimardjan St., 10 (371) 279-96-80 ep-1@railway.uz |
Tuesday from 16-00 till 17-00 |
Head of LLC “14-Relsosvarochny poyezd” Passport of the enterprise |
Allabergenov Sherzod Makhsidbayevich |
Tashkent, Djami St., 209 (371)259-43-06 rsp-14@rambler.ru |
Thursday from 15-00 till 16-00 |
Head of the Uzbekistan Locomotive Depot Passport of the enterprise |
Xamdamov Nurali Muxtorovich |
Tashkent Region, Yangiyo'l District, Uzbekistan Station (71) 299-68-05 www.depouzbekistan.uz tch-1@railway.uz |
Friday from 14-00 till 16-00 |