Investment policy of JSC «O'zbekiston temir yo'llari»
In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated December 23, 2016 PP-2697 "On investment program of Uzbekistan for 2017" by JSC "Uzbekistan Temir Yollari" provides for implementation of 49 investment projects (24 projects on the basis of JSC "Tashkent mechanical plant). For all investment projects the network schedules of the projects are developed and approved by the Cabinet of Ministers.
In 2017, at the expense of all sources of funding provided for the development - 815 760 000 dollars, including by:
- Means of State budget - 85.34 million dollars;
-Means of the Fund for Reconstruction and Development of Uzbekistan development - 145 170 000 dollars, and attraction - 114.8 million dollars;
- Foreign investments under the guarantee of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan development - 168 070 000 dollars, and attraction - 97.01 million dollars;
-direct foreign investments and loans - development and attraction 2.23 million dollars;
-proper funds - 414.95 million dollars.
In 2017, it is provided completion of construction of the railway line Bukhara-Misken, work on the electrification of the railway section of the Karshi-Termez, the beginning of work on the electrification of the railway section Pap-Namangan-Andijan, the construction of the second phase Yunusabad line and SERGELI line of the Tashkent subway, the construction of a new plant for repair of excavators and tracked vehicles, continuation of work on the implementation of 24 projects on the organization of production materials and spare parts of "TMZ", organization of the production of coal briquettes, modernization of capacities Turakurgan mechanical plant, delivery of two high-speed passenger trains Talgo-250.
In addition, in 2017 it is planned to repair and rehabilitate 27 locomotives, 1,483 freight wagons, construct 800 trucks and 15 passenger cars as well as rehabilitat 180 km of railway lines.
In 2017, commissioning of 9 projects is provided:
March - "Organization of the production of coal briquettes in Namangan region"; "The acquisition of two high-speed passenger trains Talgo-250 (Spain)";
August - "Construction of a double-track electrified railway line Jizzakh-Yangiyer (Station Yangiyer new construction of sorting ways.)", "Organization of production of screen washing liquid Ferghana";
September - "The organization of the area for galvanic coverings» on JSC “TMZ”;
December - "Construction of the railway line Bukhara-Misken", "Electrification of the railway section of the Karshi-Termez", "Organization of road-building equipment Tashkent", "Construction of a new plant for the repair of excavators and tracked vehicles in Syrdarya region» (I stage).
In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan from December 25, 2015 PP-2458 "On investment program of Uzbekistan for 2016" and the Protocol №219 meeting of the Interagency Council on cooperation with international financial institutions, organizations and donor countries, the implementation of large and strategically important investment projects under the Cabinet of Ministers of Uzbekistan from 23.12.2016 on JSC "Uzbekistan Temir Yollari" it is provided the implementation of 31 investment projects.
In 2016 JSC "Uzbekistan Railways" at the expense of all sources of funding disbursed funds in the amount of 831.18 million Dollars at the forecast of 802.69 million dollars. (104% of the year forecast), and attracted 853.79 million Dollars at the forecast of 775.74 million dollars (110% of the year forecast), including by:
State budget funds - 109 880 000 dollars (100% of the year forecast);
Fund for Reconstruction and Development of Uzbekistan: mastered - 79.9 million dollars at the forecast of 52.35 million dollars (153% of the year forecast), and drawn - 133.34 million dollars at the forecast 76.2 million dollars (175 % forecast for the year);
foreign investments guaranteed by the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan: mastered - 212 120 000 dollars (100% of the forecast years), and drawn - 193.97 million dollars with the forecast of $ 173 970 000 (111% of the forecast for the year);
assets of JSCB "Uzpromstroybank" - mastered 50.0 million (100% of the forecast years), and attracted 37.32 million dollars (100% of the forecast for year);
own funds - 379 280 000 dollars (100% of the forecast for year).
For 2016 for the following investment projects of JSC "Uzbekistan Railways" introduced:
1. "Construction of an electrified railway line Angren-Pap";
2. "Electrification of the railway Samarkand-Bukhara line with the organization of high-speed passenger train";
3. "Upgrading the locomotive fleet. Purchase of 11 electric freight locomotives ";
4. "Production of doors and padlocks on the JSC" TMZ "";
In addition, following the results of 2016 130 km of railway ways were rehabilitated, held overhaul and refurbishment of sections 27 locomotives, built 15 passenger and 700 freight cars, repaired 1440 wagons.
In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan from November 18, 2013 PP-2069, in 2014, it was provided 14 investment projects of JSC "Uzbekistan Temir Yollari" mastered 669.95 million Dollars at the forecast of $ 636.42 million., Or 105% to forecast year, including:
at the expense of the State budget - 67.91 million dollars with the forecast of $ 64.87 million, or 105% of the forecast, the project "Construction of an electrified railway line Angren-Pap";
at the expense of the Fund for Reconstruction and Development of Uzbekistan mastered 149.84 million dollars or 100% of the forecast year and attracted 36.31 million dollars or 100% of the forecast, the project "Construction of an electrified railway line Angren-Pap";
due to foreign investments guaranteed by the Government of Uzbekistan mastered 112.58 million dollars at the forecast of $ 100.69 million., or 112% of the forecast of the year and raised US $ 185.11 million the forecast of $ 180.32 million., or 103% to forecast, the project of electrification of railway sections Marokand-Karshi, Karshi-Termez railway tunnel and the construction of the section of Angren-Pap.
at their own expense - 338 090 000 dollars at the forecast of 319.49 million dollars, or 106% of the forecast, the project of electrification of railway sections Marokand-Karshi, Karshi-Termez, the construction of electrified railway line Angren-Pap, the completion of the infrastructure at the station Yangiyer - New on the project "Construction of a double-track electrified line Jizzakh-Yangiyer", modernization and reconstruction of existing sites in the framework of the project "Organization of high-speed passenger trains on the railway Tashkent-Samarkand line", as well as by modernizing 54 locomotives, 1488 freight cars, construction of 600 trucks, 20 passenger coaches and rehabilitation of 216 km of railway lines.
According to the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of November 18, 2013 No. PP-2069, in 2014 on 14 provided investment projects of JSC «O'zbekiston temir yo'llari» 669,95 million dollars at the forecast of 636,42 million dollars are mastered or 105% to the forecast of year, including:
- at the expense of means of the State budget – 67,91 million dollars at the forecast of 64,87 million dollars or 105% to the forecast of year for the "Construction of the Electrified Railway Line Angren -Pap" project;
- at the expense of fund of reconstruction and development of the Republic of Uzbekistan 149,84 million dollars or 100% to the forecast of year are mastered and 36,31 million dollars or 100% are attracted to the forecast of year for the "Construction of the Electrified Railway Line Angren- Pap" project;
- due to foreign investments under a guarantee of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan 112,58 million dollars at the forecast of 100,69 million dollars are mastered or 112% to the forecast of year and 185,11 million dollars at the forecast of 180,32 million dollars are attracted or 103% to the forecast of year for projects of electrification of railway sites of Marokand-Karshi, Karshi-Termez and construction of a railway tunnel on a site Angren-Pap.
- at the expense of own means – 338,09 million dollars at the forecast of 319,49 million dollars or 106% to the forecast of year for projects of electrification of railway sites of Marokand-Karshi, Karshi-Termez, construction of the electrified railway line Angren -Pap, to completion of construction of facilities of infrastructure at Yangiyer-Novaya station on the title "Construction of the Two-acceptable Electrified Line Jizzakh-Yangiyer", modernization and reconstruction of the existing sites within the "Organization of the High-speed Movement of Passenger Trains on a Site of a Railway Line Tashkent-Samarkand" project, and also due to modernization of 54 locomotives, 1488 freight cars, to construction of 600 cargo, 20 cars and rehabilitation of 216 km of railway tracks.
According to the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of November 17, 2014 No. PP-2264 "About the Investment program of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2015", on JSC «O'zbekiston temir yo'llari» provided implementation of 13 investment projects.The general forecast of development for the company makes 607,35 million dollars, including:
- at the expense of means of the State budget development in the sum of 62,61 million dollars on the "Construction of the Electrified Railway Line Angren -Pap" project is provided;
- at the expense of fund of reconstruction and development of the Republic of Uzbekistan development in the sum of 22,4 million dollars and attraction in the sum of 20,3 million dollars on the "Construction of the Electrified Railway Line Angren -Pap" project is provided.
- due to foreign investments under a guarantee of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan development in the sum of 163,78 million dollars and attraction in the sum of 218,15 million dollars on projects of electrification of railway sites of Marokand-Karshi, Karshi-Termez and construction of a railway tunnel on a site Angren -Pap is provided.
- at the expense of own means – 358,56 million dollars. Thus in 2015 at the expense of own company funds continuation of construction of the electrified railway line Angren- Pap and electrification of railway sites of Marokand-Karshi and Karshi-Termez, and also modernization of 55 locomotives and 1258 freight cars, construction of 650 cargo and 12 cars, and also rehabilitation of 240 km of railway tracks is provided.