Board of Directors
For strengthening of a role and personal responsibility of members of the supervisory boards on increase of efficiency of activity of large joint stock companies with the state assets with the resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of July 24, 2006 No. PP-424 "About the statement of structures of councils of separate large joint stock companies with the state assets" is approved the following structure of Board of the joint stock company "Uzbekiston temir yullari":
Ramatov Achilbay Zhumaniyazovich | First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan |
Astanov Zafar Murodillaevich |
Department director of the Ministry of Economy and Finance |
Makhkamov Ilkhom Rustamovich |
Minister of Transport |
Khaidarov Akhadbek Yakhyabekovich |
Deputy Minister of Finance |
Adamas Ilkyavichus |
JSC "UzAssets" |
Laszlo Szocs | Independent member of the Council |
Sunil Srivastava |
Independent member of the Council |
The main functions of Council are:
- Implementation on a systematic (quarterly) basis of the subject analysis of dynamics of indicators of financial and economic activity of joint stock companies;
- ensuring realization of necessary measures for improvement of a corporate management system, to increase of personal responsibility of executive bodies of the companies and the enterprises which are their part, meaning a basic assessment of results of activity of heads of the companies and enterprises for performance of parameters of the approved business plans, their compliances to posts;
- When summing up work for financial year critically to consider efficiency of personal participation in it of each member of council.
To chairmen of Councils, if necessary, in accordance with the established procedure to make reasonable offers on replacement of members of the Councils which aren't showing a due initiative and adherence to principles.