By the Order of the Chairman of the Board of JSC «O’zbekiston temir yo’llari» nominated Appointed to the post
Since 9 October 2023:
Ibragimov Umidulla Nazrillaevich – adviser to the first deputy chairman of the board of the company on the strategy for the development of digital logistics.
Since 18 September 2023:
Ismailov Sherzod Khalmuratovich – deputy head of personnel management and personnel training department.
Since 11 September 2023:
Kamolov Oybek Ruziyevich – deputy head of the legal department.
Since 8 September 2023:
Samadov Khasan Tursunmurad ugli – deputy head of the "Temiryo‘lyonilg‘ita’min" department;
Vahabov Jakhongir Tursunbayevich – deputy head of the "Temiryo‘lyonilg‘ita’min" department.
Since 6 September 2023:
Khaydarov Lutfullo Ibrokhimovich – deputy head of the operations department for the operation of locomotives.
Since 4 September 2023:
Khasilov Khusnutdin Nuriddinovich – acting deputy chairman of the board for industry;
Ismailov Ikhtiyor Iso ugli – chief engineer of the "Ko‘prik qurilish poyezdi" of the department of traveling facilities;
Tuychiev Jahongir Irkinovich – first deputy head of the UE "Regional railway junction Tashkent";
Faizullaev Lutfulla Ibragimkhodzhaevich – acting head of the transportation organization department;
Dusmukhamedov Anvar Muratbaevich – deputy general manager - chief engineer of the company - head of the department of strategic development, organization of industrial activities and labor protection.
Since 31 August 2023:
Abdullaev Akramjon Anarkulovich – head of the UE "Ugam-Chatkal state biosphere reserve";
Subanov Ibrokhim Mirzalievich – acting head of corporate relations with shareholders.
Since 30 August 2023:
Ganiev Bobomurod Saidimurod ugli – deputy director of the Tashkent Railway Technicum for financial and economic affairs.
Since 29 August 2023:
Rakhimov Anvar Sheralievich – head of the legal department.
Since 28 August 2023:
Zhapparov Farhod Takhirovich – deputy head of the anti-corruption department - head of the report collection department.
Since 25 August 2023:
Norkabilov Sirozhiddin Anvarovich – acting head of the UE "Regional railway junction Tashkent";
Kadyrov Azizjon Sharipdzhonovich – deputy head of the UE "Regional railway junction Tashkent" for personnel and social issues;
Rakhmankulov Ruslan Renatovich – head of the station Chukursoy UE "Regional railway junction Tashkent";
Khasanov Sanzhar Ilkhom ugli – deputy head of the UE "Regional railway junction Tashkent" - head of the department of transportation and station works.
Since 23 August 2023:
Makhamatov Zafar Ergashboevich – trust manager of UE "Kuprikkurilish".
Since 22 August 2023:
Alimov Yahyo Sadiqjonovich – acting head of the Andijan-1 station - head of the Andijan region of the UE "Regional railway junction Kokand";
Berysheva Elena Vitalievna – deputy head of the department of statistics and accounting - chief inspector.
Since 21 August 2023:
Norkuziev Muhamadali Uktam ugli – deputy head of the center "Uztemiryulkhisob";
Rakhmatov Tulkin Raimkulovich – first deputy head of the information and computing center.
Since 14 August 2023:
Dostmetov Ulugbek Sultanboy ugli – acting head of the transformation office;
Sharifbaev Akhajon Olimovich – acting deputy general manager - chief engineer of the company - head of the department of strategic development, organization of production activities and labor protection.
Since 8 August 2023:
Palmibetov Azamat Sadatdinovich – deputy head of the cargo and commercial work department.
Since 7 August 2023:
Shodmanov Sherali Karzhovich – acting head of the power supply distance of Havast UE "Regional railway junction Tashkent";
Yerezhepov Samad Kunkhodzhayevich – acting head of the Kungrad locomotive depot of the UE "Regional railway junction Kungrad";
Allambergenov Tenelbai Berkinbayevich – acting chief engineer of the UE "Regional railway junction Kungrad";
Akbotaev Talgat Anuarbekovich – head of the Kungrad signaling and communication distance of the UE “Regional railway junction Kungrad”;
Tulyaganov Sherzod Tahirovich – first deputy head of the locomotive depot "Uzbekistan" - head of the maintenance center of electric trains "Afrosiab";
Tukhtakhodjaev Ravshan Abdurashidovich – first deputy head of department of the militarized protection.
Since 3 August 2023:
Tuichiev Abdusalom Mukhitdinovich – chief engineer of department “Temiryo’lyonilg’ita’min”.
Since 1 August 2023:
Kochkarov Akhmadjon Kamchinbekovich – acting head of department of the militarized protection;
Rustamov Bobir Nizomovich – deputy head of the directorate of capital construction – head of the project implementation group.
Since 31 Jule 2023:
Rustamov Jahangir Ilkhom ugli – deputy head of the secretariat at the chairman of the board.
Since 27 Jule 2023:
Adilov Khokim Latifovich – acting head of the cargo and commercial work department..
Since 26 Jule 2023:
Abdullaev Zakirjon Kholdarovich – acting head of the Kokand locomotive depot UE "Regional railway junction Kokand".
Since 24 Jule 2023:
Ubaidullaev Dilshod Khamidzhonovich – acting head of the Kokand carriage depot UE "Regional railway junction Kokand".
Since 20 Jule 2023:
Makhmudov Azizzhon Bakhodirovich – acting head of the Information and Computing Center;
Seydullaev Zakir Ikramovich – acting head of the center "Uztemiryolhisob".
Since 18 Jule 2023:
Kamildzhanov Abdumalik Abduvakhitovich – temporary acting deputy chairman of the board of the Joint-Stock Company ”Uzbekistan temir yollari";
Kilichev Umid Ibadullayevich – acting head of the department of economic analysis and forecasting;
Ikramov Botir Askarovich – deputy head of capital construction directorate - acting head of production and assembly department;
Mamasidikov Mukhsinjon Musajonovich – acting head of capital construction directorate;
Odilov Alisher Ravshanovich – acting head of department "Temiryulyonilg'ita'min";
Eshankulov Rasul Nadir ugli – acting chairman of the council of leaders of the Youth Union of Uzbekistan in the Joint-Stock Company "Uzbekistan Temir Yollari";
Saidov Ravshan Urinbayevich – acting head of the wagon management department;
Isayev Sobirjon Rakhimovich – chief engineer of capital construction directorate;
Salimov Saidakmal Saidimuratovich – deputy head of the capital construction directorate - head of the project implementation group;
Tuychiyev Jakhongir Irkinovich – head of the UE "Ugam-Chotkal State Biosphere Reserve";
Abdurazakov Akbarjon Kuchkarovich – acting head of the secretariat under the chairman of the board;
Kadyrov Sharafiddin Takhirovich – acting general director of "Uztemiryolyolochi" Joint Stock Company;
Babakhalov Narbuta Eshnazarovich – adviser on financial and economic issues to the chairman of the board of Joint-Stock Company "Uzbekistan temir yollari";
Ubaidullayev Timur Kamiljanovich – acting head of the Information Computing Center;
Mavlyanov Sherzod Rustamovich – acting deputy head of the department of economic analysis and forecasting;
Sharipov Sabriddin Sakhat ugli – deputy head of the capital construction directorate;
Artykov Nuriddin Nuralievich – acting general director of "Uztemiryolqurilishmontazh" LLC.
Since 17 Jule 2023:
Jalilov Jahangir Juraevich – Deputy Head of the Health Service - Chief Physician of the Central Sanitary and Epidemiological Station..
Since 11 Jule 2023:
Arziev Kenzhabek Ishnazarovich – acting head of the group for the implementation of individual investment projects.
Since 10 Jule 2023:
Rizaev Timur Olegovich – acting Head of Department "Temiryulyonilg'ita'min";
Askarov Farrukh Esonali ugli – acting chief engineer of UE "Transport tarmoqlarini qurish";
Kurbanov Dzhosur Abdusodiqovich – acting deputy director for production of UE "Transport tarmoqlarini qurish";
Mamadaliev Ulugbek Ortikovich – acting deputy director for machines and mechanisms of the UE "Transport tarmoqlarini qurish";
Samiev Burkhan Abdumannonovich – acting deputy director for construction works of the UE "Transport tarmoqlarini qurish".
Since 7 Jule 2023:
Abdiev Azizbek Uktamovich – acting head of the capital construction department.
Since 1 June 2023:
Ubaidullaev Timur Kamilzhanovich – Deputy Head of the Information and Computing Center - Chief Technologist.
Since 27 March 2023:
Jumayev Botirali Bakhtiyorovich – deputy head of the Department of Agriculture.
Since 25 March 2023:
Botirov Uchkun Omonovich – Deputy Head of the Department of Agriculture - Director of the complex "Karabayr Equestrian Complex";
Soliev Odil Olimovich – chief physician of the Bukhara-1 Station Hospital of the Health Service.
Since 24 March 2023:
Sariyev Elbek Shonazarovich – deputy director of the UE ”Special mechanized road station" for construction work.
Since 15 March 2023:
Shadjalilov Nigmat Inogamovich – acting deputy head of department of the militarized protection;
Rachmankulov Ruslan Renatovich – Oxangaron station chief;
Achildiyeva Dinora Avazovna – Deputy Director of the Palace of culture of railway workers.
Since 13 March 2023:
Abdullaev Shukhrat Ibadullaevich – head of the Management on capital construction;
Mamadaliev Gulomjon Olimzhonovich – first deputy head of the Department of Organization of Transportation;
Yusupov In'omjon Ikromboevich – chief engineer of the Department of Organization of Transportation;
Kadirov Sayidazim Bakhtiyorovich – chief engineer of the department on operation of locomotives;
Sharipov Djalil Rashitovich – first deputy head of the Information and Computing Center;
Kasimov Kosim Khusanovich – chief engineer of the Information and Computing Center;
Musakhodjaev Odilkhodja Nasirovich – first deputy head of the UE "Regional railway junction Tashkent".
Since 27 February 2023:
Komolov O'ktam Kazakboyevich – acting head of the UE ”Regional railway junction Kungrad".
Since 24 February 2023:
Zulfikarov Farhad Yuldashkhodjayevich – acting head of the Department of internal control and complayens against corruption.
Since 20 February 2023:
Hamroyev Mirsharof Fayzullayevich – acting deputy head of the Department of road management for high-speed road.
Since 15 February 2023:
Yodikov Dzhakhongir Sobirovich – deputy head of the UE "Regional railway junction Kokand" - head of the Kamchik railway distance;
Khujabekov Inomjon Mirzaevich – deputy director for production of the LLC "Plant for the repair of excavators and tracked vehicles".
Since 13 February 2023:
Turaev Gayrat Umurovich – head of Bukhara railway distancе of the UE "Regional railway junction Bukhara".
Since 6 February 2023:
Erdanov Nadirbek Ibragimovich – director of the UE "Transport tarmoqlarini qurish" within the UE "Uztemiryolkurilishmontaj".
Since 1 February 2023:
Kurbanov Zufar Utkirovich – Deputy head of the group for the implementation of projects to update the rolling stock;
Bazarov Alisher Shamilovich – Acting head of the UE "Regional railway junction Bukhara".
Since 27 January 2023:
Sabirov Davronbek Atamuratovich – Head of department personnel and trainings;
Samadov Khasan Tursunmurod ugli – Acting head of department of railway equipment, cars and mechanisms.
Since 25 January 2023:
Tukhtaxodjayev Ravshan Abdurashidovich – Acting head of department of the militarized protection.
Since 9 January 2023:
Shamsiev Elbek Sobirovich – First Deputy Head of the Cargo and Commercial Works Department;
Makhmudov Davron Bakhtiyor ugli – Road and Commercial Inspector of the Department for Cargo and Commercial Works - Acting Deputy Head of the for Cargo and Commercial Works Department;
Mamatkulov Alim Djuraevich – Deputy Head of department of traveling facilities for Capital Repairs and Industrial Enterprises;
Kushanov Shukhrat Abdusaidovich – Head of the group for the implementation of rolling stock renewal projects.
Since 29 December 2022:
Asrorov Sanjar Sattorovich – Deputy Head of the Department for the organization of Transportation for operational work and innovative technologies.
Since 23 December 2022:
Raupov Bakhadir Hikmatovich – Acting Head of the road machine Station No. 17;
Razikov Furkat Nutfilloyevich – Acting Head of the Bukhara railway workshops.
Since 20 December 2022:
Rakhimdzhanov Khodjiakbar Zarif ugli – Acting Chief engineer of the Tashkent nodal distance of communication and signaling.
Since 15 December 2022:
Khaydarov Bekzod Alievich – Acting First Deputy Head of the Unified Dispatching Center;
Sadykov Jahongir Hamidullayevich – Head of the Tashkent railway distance of the UE ”Regional railway junction Tashkent";
Nasyrov Bahrom Isakzhanovich – Head of the Havass railway distance of the UE ”Regional railway junction Tashkent".
Since 5 December 2022:
Rukhutdinov Shukhrat Kamiljanovich – Deputy general director of the UE "Uztemiryolmashta'mir" for commercial affairs;
Abdurakhmanov Kamoliddin Batirovich – Deputy general director of the UE "Uztemiryolmashta'mir" for economic and financial issues";
Abdullayev Bakhrom Sharafkhojaevich – Deputy head of the Finance Department for banking and tax issues.
Since 1 December 2022:
Razzokov Farkhod Jamilovich – Fcting deputy director of the Tashkent Railway Technical College for financial and economic affairs.
Since 29 November 2022:
Rasulov Timur Zakirdzhanovich – Head of the department of multi-unit rolling stock and repair of locomotives of the department for the operation of locomotives - acting deputy head of the department.
Since 24 November 2022:
Samandarov Alibek Zaribovich – Head of the unitary enterprise "Specialized track mechanized station".
Since 22 November 2022:
Ibragimov Umidulla Nazrillayevich – Acting Head of Marketing and Logistics Department.
Since 21 November 2022:
Khodjayev Sarvar Gayrat ugli – Acting Deputy Head of the Transformation Office.
Since 14 November 2022:
Baltabaev Akmal Abduzhalalovich – Deputy Head of the locomotive depot "Uzbekistan" for operation;
Ikramov Batyr Askarovich – Acting head of department of attraction of investments and implementation of investment projects.
Since 7 November 2022:
Musurmonov Kahramon Musurmonovich – deputy Head of the UE "Regional railway junction Termiz" – Head of the department of transportation and operation of stations;
Nabiyev Elyor Elbekovich – deputy Head of the UE "Regional railway junction Termiz" – Head of the department of transportation and operation of stations.
Since 3 November 2022:
Mavlanov Akhmadjan Khakimdzhanovich – Acting Director of the Tashkent Railway Technical College.
Since 2 November 2022:
Khojabekov Inomjon Mirzayevich – Acting Head of the Military Guard Department.
Since 1 November 2022:
Mukhamedov Rustam Miniakhmedovich – First Deputy Head of the Marketing and Logistics Department for the development of international digital corridors;
Djalalov Khadjiakbar Salimdjanovich – Deputy Head of the Marketing and Logistics Department for the development of internal digital logistics;
Hamroliyev Azizjon Ibrokhimjonovich – Deputy Director for Production of the limited liability company "Repair plant of excavators and crawler equipment".
Since 28 October 2022:
Khamraev Tolkin Djalilovich – Chief Engineer of the UE "Regional Railway Junction Karshi";
Kenjaev Mansurjon Zhoragobilovich – Chief Engineer of the UE "Regional Railway Junction Termiz";
Ghulomov Burkhan Urakovich – The Head of the Termiz locomotive depot of the UE "Regional Railway Junction Termiz".
Since 27 October 2022:
Sharipov Gofurjon Bozorkulovich – The Chief physician of the sanitary-epidemiological station of the central sanitary-epidemiological station of the Bukhara station of the health service.
Since 26 October 2022:
Eshnazarov Zakirjon Shokirovich – Deputy Head of the Department of Agriculture - Acting Director of the complex "Korabayr Equestrian Complex".
Since 18 October 2022:
Mirzaakhmedov Shakhobiddin Khajakhmetovich – Acting Head of the Center for Development and Implementation of Digital Technologies;
Rakhmanberdiev Ravshan Rakhmatullaevich – First Deputy Head of the Center for the Development and Implementation of Digital Technologies.
Since 17 October 2022:
Norkabilov Sirojiddin Anvarovich – Head of the Department of Transport Organization;
Mirzaev Mansur Kholbutavich – Acting Head of the UE "Regional Railway Junction Karshi";
Asrorov Sanjar Sattorovich – Deputy Head of the Department of Cargo Transportation and Commercial Affairs for commercial affairs.
Since 14 October 2022:
Shavkatov Parvozbek Shavkatovich – First Deputy Head of the Department of Technical and Technological Control.
Since 10 October 2022:
Tojiboev Farkhod Fatkhullaevich – Deputy Head of Electricity Supply Department
Since 26 September 2022:
Khadjiev Firuz Asatovich – Acting Head of the Finance Department of the Unitary Enterprise "Regional Railway Junction Bukhara";
Mannonov Shahrukhmirza Abdirashid ugli – Deputy Head of the Department of Economic Analysis and Forecasting.
Since 16 September 2022:
Ergashev Kamol Usmanovich – Deputy Head of the Department "Temiryo’lyonilg’ita’min" for logistics.
Since 15 September 2022:
Mirzaev Shavkat Adilovich – Deputy Head of the Special Service - Head of the Second Department.
Since 13 September 2022:
Giyazov Farhad Saitkulovich – Acting Head of the UE "Regional railway junction Termez".
Since 12 September 2022:
Tuychiev Jahongir Irkinovich – Head of Department of Labor Protection and Industrial Safety.
Since 9 September 2022:
Dzhumaniyazov Zakir Sadullaevich – First Deputy Head of the UE "Regional railway junction Termez".
Since 8 September 2022:
Nazarov Tulkin Allamurotovich – Deputy General Director of UE "O’ztemiryo’lqurilishmontaj" for financial and economic issues.
Since 24 August 2022:
Khasanov Yadgar Obidzhanovich – Deputy Head of the locomotive depot "Uzbekistan" for repair;
Mannonov Shahrukhmirza Abdirashid ugli – Deputy Head of the Department of Economic Analysis and Forecasting.
Since 22 August 2022:
Muhammadjonov Jahongir Mukimovich – acting Deputy Director of the Kokand Railway College for Youth Affairs;
Khojiev Ulugbek Abdumutalovich – acting Deputy Director of the Kokand Railway College for Financial and Economic Work;
Mukhamedova Muhaye Khomidovna – acting Deputy Director of the Kokand Railway College for Educational Work;
Rakhmannazarov Nabi Normatovich – acting Deputy Director of the Kokand Railway College for Industrial Education.
Since 18 August 2022:
Ergashev Kamol Usmanovich – Deputy Head of Department “Temiryo’lyonilg’ita’min”.
Since 17 August 2022:
Sodikov Asliddin Murodullaevich – acting Deputy Head of the Signaling and Communication Department for the introduction of new equipment and technologies in signaling and communication devices, as well as for new construction.
Since 20 July 2022:
Kudratkhodzhaev Davronkhodzha Khamidilla ugli – First Deputy Director of the Information and Analytical Media Center.
Since 18 July 2022:
Akhmedov Avazbek Khurmatbekovich – Deputy Head of the UE "Regional railway junction of Bukhara" - Head of the department of transportation and operation of stations.
Since 13 July 2022:
Mannonov Shahrukhmirza Abdirashid ugli – acting Deputy Head of the Department of Economic Analysis and Forecasting.
Since 24 June 2022:
Khatambaeva Hulkar Muminbaevna – acting Advisor to the Chairman of the Board on issues of increasing the efficiency of spiritual and educational work, ensuring compliance with the legislation on the state language;
Salaev Shohruh Buronovich – Deputy Head of the Transformation Office.
Since 23 June 2022:
Ashirbaev Rufat Abdirazakovich – Deputy Head of the Group for the implementation of individual investment Projects;
Ikramov Botir Askarovich – Deputy Head of the Department for Attracting Investments and Implementing Investment Projects for Post-Investment Monitoring.
Since 16 June 2022:
Molaykhanova Gulnara Ansarovna – Head of the Transformation Office.
Since 6 June 2022:
Abdullaev Akramjon Anarkulovich – Managing director of the UE "Ko’prikqurilish trest";
Nurmatov Shavkat Shakiralievich – CEO of UE "O’ztemiryo’lqurilishmontaj".
Since 1 June 2022:
Babahalov Narbuta Eshnazarovich – Head of Department of the Economic Analysis and Forecasting;
Arziev Kenzhabek Ishnazarovich – First Deputy Head of the Group for the Implementation of Individual Investment Projects;
Gafurov Azamat Abduraufovich – Head of the Khavast station - Deputy Head of the UE "Regional railway junction Tashkent" for the Khavast junction.
Since 25 May 2022:
Shadiev Shahruz Bakhtiyor ugli – Assistant to the Chairman of the Board of JSC "Uzbekiston temir yullari";
Salimov Saidakmal Saidimuratovich – Head of the Planning and Organization of Procurement Department;
Abdullaev Sanzhar Bokhodirovich – Head of the group for the implementation of individual investment projects.
Since 23 May 2022:
Kasimov Dilmurod Rakhmatovich – First Deputy Head of the Strategic Development Department;
Abdullaev Sunnatulla Nusratilloevich – Deputy Head of the Strategic Development Department.
Since 16 May 2022:
Rakhimov Mirali Sheralievich – Chief Doctor of the Hospital of the Bukhara station of the medical service.
Since 12 May 2022:
Atazhanov Kamal Atavayevich – Head of Corporate Relations with Shareholders;
Nurmatov Shavkat Shakiralievich – Managing director of the UE "Ko’prikqurilish trest";
Rustamov Farkhod Islomovich – acting Deputy Head of the UE "Regional railway junction of Bukhara" - Head of the department of transportation and operation of stations;
Kenzhaev Tolib Akmalovich – acting Deputy Head of the UE "Regional railway junction Bukhara" for the Uchkud regional junction.
Since 11 May 2022:
Kodirov Zhasurbek Sharofitdinovich - Head of Financial Department.
Since 6 May 2022:
Tuychiev Jamshid Khazhiakbarovich – acting Deputy Director of the Tashkent Railway College for educational and educational work;
Annakulov Asatillo Ergashevich – acting Deputy Director of the Tashkent Railway College for Industrial Education;
Nabiev Sardor Abdumalikovich – acting Deputy Director of the Tashkent Railway College for Youth Affairs;
Pirvaliev Dilshod Akbarovich – acting Deputy Director of the Tashkent Railway College for financial and economic work;
Nazarov Mirzahid Dusalievich – Director of the UE "Plant for the repair of tracked vehicles and excavators".
Since 29 April 2022:
Chumichev Andrey Modestovich - Advisor to the Chairman of the Board of JSC "Uzbekiston Temir Yollari" for Digitalization.
Since 19 April 2022:
Jalalov Khodjiakbar Salimdzhanovich - Deputy Head of the Main Department of Logistics Development and Digitalization for the Development of Internal Logistics;
Kadirov Azizzhon Sharipdzhonovich - Deputy Head of UE "Regional Railway Junction Tashkent" - Head of the Department for Transportation and Station Operations.
Since 18 April 2022:
Irgashev Fazliddin Yuldoshevich – Head of the Financial Department of UE "Regional Railway Junction Tashkent";
Rakhimova Gavkhar Abdulloevna - acting Deputy Director of the Samarkand Railway College for Youth Affairs;
Tagaev Azamat Khusanovich - acting Deputy Director of the Samarkand Railway College for Industrial Education;
Dzhumaev Fazlidin Dzhurakulovich - acting Deputy Director of the Samarkand Railway College for educational and educational work.
Since 14 April 2022:
Eshmurodov Bakhter Mingboboevich - head of the civil engineering branch of the unitary enterprise "Uztemiryulkurilishmontazh";
Mukimov Nasir Salimovich – Head of the Khavast signaling and communication distance of UE "Regional Railway Junction Tashkent".
Since 12 April 2022:
Odilov Farrukh Bakhodirovich – acting Head of Corporate Relations with Shareholders.
Since 11 April 2022:
Rakhimzhanov Bekzod Raimjon ugli – Deputy Head of the Department of International Cooperation and Foreign Economic Relations.
Since 6 April 2022:
Saidnazirkhanova Dilnoza Saidakbarovna – acting Deputy Head of Planning and Procurement Department.
Since 5 April 2022:
Turdiev Golibjon Botir ugli – Head of the Financial Department of UE "Regional Railway Junction Karshi".
Since 1 April 2022:
Dosmetov Ulugbek Sultanbay ugli – Deputy Head of the Transformation Office.
Since 24 March 2022:
Khalilov Farhod Mukhsinjonovich – Head of the Tashkent signaling and communication distance of UE "Regional railway junction Tashkent".
Since 18 March 2022:
Mirzaaxmedov Shahobiddin Hajahmetovich – First Deputy Head of the Main Department of Logistics Development and Digitalization for Digitalization.
Since 15 March 2022:
Kasimov Ilkhom Mukhamedovich – Head of the Financial Department of UE "Regional railway junction Kokand".
Since 14 March 2022:
Iskandarov Ilham Rustamovich – Chief Doctor of the Hospital of the Urgench station of the medical service.
Since 4 March 2022:
Shodmonov Alihon Atoevich – Deputy Head of the Department of Internal Control and Compliance for Combating Corruption.
Since 3 March 2022:
Sharifbaev Akhajon Olimovich – Deputy Chief Manager - Chief Engineer of the Company - Head of the Strategic Development Department.
Since 2 March 2022:
Mukhamadiev Ulugbek Azamovich – Chief Doctor of the Hospital of the Khavast station of the medical service.
Since 1 March 2022:
Rusakov Alexander Alexandrovich – Deputy Head of the Department of Statistics and Account;
Rakhmatov Tulkin Raimkulovich – Deputy Head of the Department of Statistics and Account - Chief Auditor.
Since 24 February 2022:
Mavlyanov Sherzod Rustamovich – Deputy Head of the Center "Uzjeldorraschеt".
Since 18 February 2022:
Fazilov Shukhrat Shavkatovich – Deputy Head of the Department Personnel and Training.
Since 15 February 2022:
Talipov Murodzhon Takhirovich – Deputy Head of Department of Labor Protection and Industrial Safety for Industrial Safety and Environmental Monitoring.
Since 14 February 2022:
Saidov Rakhimjon Muratovich – First Deputy Head of Department of the militarized protection;
Hamroliev Azizjon Ibrokhimzhonovich – Head of Department of the militarized protection;
Tukhtaev Vakhobjon Khusenovich – Head of the Department Personnel and Training.
Since 17 January 2022:
Sharifbaev Akhajon Olimovich – acting Deputy Chief Manager - Chief Engineer of the Company - Head of the Strategic Development Department.
Since 13 January 2022:
Jalilov Shonazar Shoniyazovich – Deputy General Director of UE "O’ztemiryo’lmashta’mir" for commercial issues.
Since 7 January 2022:
Mukhitdinov Inomzhon Nurmatovich – Deputy Head of the Department of Labor Protection, Technical and Industrial Safety for Labor Protection and Safety.
Since 1 December 2021:
Khadzhiev Kabul Abdukarimovich – Chief engineer of the locomotive depot "Uzbekistan".
Since 29 November 2021:
Kamolov Sherzod Ilkhomjon ugli – Deputy Head of the Department on Operation of Locomotives for operation.
Since 17 November 2021:
Kholnazarov Abdushukur Abdugapparovich – Deputy Head of the Track Machine Station No. 166.
Since 26 October 2021:
Ibragimov Izzatullo Abdurashidovich – Head of the Track Machine Station No. 166;
Oybek Kholmatovich Makhkamov – Deputy Head of UE "Regional Railway Junction Kokand" - Head of the Kamchik track distance.
Since 25 October 2021:
Shodmanov Bakhtiyor Burievich – Head of the Kashkadarya track distance of UE "Regional Railway Junction Karshi".
Since 15 October 2021:
Kamiljanov Abdumalik Abduvakhitovich - Deputy Head of the Main Department for Development of Logistics and Digitalization for the Development of Internal Logistics.
Since 28 September 2021:
Artykov Nuriddin Nuralievich – Deputy General Director of UE "Uztemiryulmashtamir" for construction
Since 27 September 2021:
Sodikov Zokhid Sobitovich – First Deputy Head of the Main Department for Development of Logistics and Digitalization
Since 20 September 2021:
Safaev Safarboy Ortikovich – Head of the Tashkent track distance of UE "Regional Railway Junction Tashkent";
Jalilov Jakhongir Dzhuraevich – Deputy Chief Physician of the Central Sanitary and Epidemiological Station of the Medical Service.
Since 17 September 2021:
Khudaykulov Sanzhar Rajabboevich – Head of the Bukhara signaling and communications distance line of UE "Regional Railway Junction Bukhara".
Since 14 September 2021:
Rasulev Jamshid Yunusovich – acting Deputy Head of Management on capital construction;
Sharipov Sabriddin Sakhat ugli – acting Chief engineer of Management on capital construction;
Isokov Azizjon Zinnatillo ugli – Deputy Head of the Department for Organization and Control of Industrial Activity for Localization and Import Substitution.
Since 10 September 2021:
Nazarov Ulugbek Ilkhamovich – Deputy Head of UE "Regional Railway Junction Kokand" - Head of the Department for Transportation and Station Operations.
Since 9 September 2021:
Saidov Rakhimjon Muratovich – acting Head of department of the militarized protection.
Since 6 September 2021:
Nematov Umidzhon Abdikarimovich – Head of the Termez signaling and communications distance line of UE "Regional Railway Junction Termez".
Since 27 August 2021:
Omonov Maruf Amirkulovich – Chief engineer of the Track Machine Station No.166.
Since 17 August 2021:
Mutalipov Mardonbek Omonilaevich – Head of the Andijan-1 station - head of the Andijan junction UE "Regional Railway Junction Kokand";
Erkinov Navruz Sadirovich - Head of the group for the implementation of electrification projects and the renewal of the locomotive park of the Directorate for Capital Construction;
Kadirov Sardor Yulkunovich - First Deputy Head of the group for the implementation of electrification projects and renovation of the locomotive park of the Directorate for Capital Construction
Since 16 August 2021:
Razhabov Abdulhakim Gulomovich – Deputy General Director of UE "Uztemiryulmashtamir" for financial and economic issues.
Since 19 July 2021:
Abdurakhmonov Davronbek Ergashevich – Head of the Bekabad station of the UE "Regional Railway Junction Tashkent".
Since 16 July 2021:
Saidnazirkhanova Dilnoza Saidakbarovna – acting Deputy Head of the group for the implementation of the projects "Construction of the electrified section of Angren-Pap" and "Modernization and increase in the design capacity of JSC" Shargunkomir "for coal production by 9000 thousand tons per year" of the Directorate for Capital Construction.
Since 15 July 2021:
Khakimov Azizjon Abdulloevich – director of "Yangiobod kўp tarmoқli naslchilik chorva complex" of ;the UE "Regional Railway Junction Bukhara".
Since 12 July 2021:
Kakharov Erkinjon Vasidovich – acting Head of the department for work with higher authorities, local khokimiyats and self-government bodies;
Kurbanov Ganisher Alisherovich – Deputy General Director of UE "O’ztemiryo’lmashta’mir" for personnel and social issues.
Since 9 July 2021:
Khudoikulov Oybek Nosirboevich – acting Head of Compliance-nazorat Department.
Since 8 July 2021:
Nurmukhamedov Sherali Hikmatullaevich – Deputy Head of the locomotive depot "Uzbekistan" for operation;
Omonkulov Eldor Ғulom ўғli – Deputy Head of the locomotive depot "Uzbekistan" for repair.
Since 28 June 2021:
Tursunov Hasan Iskandarovich – acting Head of department of attraction of investments and implementation of investment projects.
Since 25 June 2021:
Kadirov Sardor Yulkunovich – Head of the group for the implementation of electrification projects and the renovation of the locomotive park of the Directorate of Capital Construction.
Since 24 June 2021:
Ergashev Komil Radzhabovich – Head of the Samarkand station of the UE "Regional Railway Junction Bukhara".
Since 23 June 2021:
Samandarov Alibek Zaribovich – acting Head of a special mechanized road station for drilling operations;
Abdullaev Akramjon Anarkulovich – CEO of UE "O’ztemiryo’lqurilishmontaj".
Since 22 June 2021:
Talipov Murodzhon Takhirovich – Deputy Head of department of labor protection and industrial safety – Head of division of Industrial Safety and Environmental Monitoring.
Since 18 June 2021:
Kadirov Sharofiddin Takhirovich – Head of UE "Ugam-Chatkal State Biosphere Reserve"
Since 8 June 2021:
Samandarov Alibek Zaribovich – Deputy Head of a special mechanized road station for drilling operations.
Since June 7, 2021:
Islamov Abror Anvarovich – Deputy Head of the locomotive operation department - head of the department for repair of motor-car rolling stock and locomotives;
Kadyrov Saidazim Bakhtierovich – acting Chief engineer of the locomotive operation department;
Kudabekov Chingiz Maratovich – acting Head of the group for the implementation of projects for electrification and renovation of the locomotive fleet of the Directorate of Capital Construction;
Khudaykulov Odil Kholiyarovich – Head of the station Termez of the UE "Regional Railway Junction Termez".
Since June 3, 2021:
Sadykov Suratjon Makhamatsadikovich – Head of department of the militarized protection;
Saidov Rakhimzhon Muratovich – first Deputy Head of department of the militarized protection;
Yuldashev Abdukakhor Gafur ugli – Chief engineer of UE "Uztemiryulqurilishmontazh".
Since June 1, 2021:
Akbarov Murodzhon Urinbaevich – Head of Signaling and Communication Department;
Kaldibaev Alimzhan Askarovich – Deputy Head of the Signaling and Communication Department for the introduction of new equipment and technologies in signaling and communication devices, as well as for new construction;
Raimov Farrukh Furkatovich – Chief engineer of the Signaling and Communication Department.
Since May 24, 2021:
Makhamatov Farhod Ergashboyevich – Head of the locomotive depot "Uzbekistan".
Since May 21, 2021:
Zairov Aziz Ashuralievich – acting Head of the Misken united fuel base of the “Temiryo’lyonilg’ita'min”.
Since May 17, 2021:
Tashxodjaev Umid Muminxodjaevich – acting Head of Compliance-nazorat Department
Since April 29, 2021:
Juraev Askarali Alisher ugli – Deputy Head of the UE "Tashkent Regional Railway Junction Tashkent " for personnel and social Affairs.
Since April 26, 2021:
Tukhtaev Vakhobjon Khusenovich – Deputy Head of the Department Personnel and Training
Since April 22, 2021:
Nurmatov Shavkat Shakiralievich – acting General Director of UE "O’ztemiryo’lqurilishmontaj"
Since April 21, 2021:
Rahimov Alisher Urakovich –Deputy Director of the UE "Plant for repair of tracked vehicles and excavators" for Financial and Economic Affairs.
Since April 19, 2021:
Odilov Alisher Ravshanovich – Managing Director of the Kuprikkurilish UE Trust.
Since April 16, 2021:
Nazarov Mirzoxid Dusalievich – acting Director of the UE "Plant for repair of tracked vehicles and excavators".
Since April 15, 2021:
Subanov Ibrohim Mirzaalievich – Deputy Head of the Directorate for Capital Construction for Financial and Economic Affairs.
Since April 7, 2021:
Hasanov Sanzhar Ilkhom ugli - head of the Chukursay station of the UE "Regional Railway Junction Tashkent ";
Kochkarov Akhmadzhan Kamchinbekovich - chief inspector for the Tashkent Regional Railway Junction of the Department of Technical and Technological Control;
Mukhammadinov Sakhad Ruzievich - Chief Engineer of UE "Uztemiryulmashtamir";
Ramatov Nurbek Ozatovich - Deputy General Director of UE "Uztemiryulmashtamir" for production.
Since April 5, 2021:
Turakhanov Asror Batirovich - deputy head of the department for work with higher authorities, local khokimiyats and self-government bodies.
Since April 1, 2021:
Khalikov Kodirkhon Usarovich - General Director of UE "Uztemiryulmashtamir";
Kadyrov Alisher Bakhtiyorovich - Deputy Head of the Directorate for Capital Construction - Head of the construction of the Bukhara-Miskin, Urgench-Khiva railway line and the electrification of the Marokand-Navoi, Bukhara-Miskin-Khiva railway sections;
Niyazov Shaydulla Mukhamadievich - Deputy Head of the Directorate for Capital Construction.
Since March 24, 2021:
Abdullaev Nusratillo Sadullaevich - Deputy Chief Manager-Chief Engineer of the Company - Head of the Department for Organization and Control of Industrial Activity;
Dosmetov Jamalitdin Kamalovich - deputy head of the "Temiryo’lyonilgita’min" department for material and technical supply;
Saidullaev Rashid Baykaraevich - deputy head of the "Temiryo’lyonilgita’min" department.
Since March 12, 2021:
Gulyamov Abrorzhon Askarovich - Deputy Head of the Secretariat under the Chairman of the Management Board - Head of the Execution Control Department;
Kholmuradov Jaloliddin Rakhmanovich - Head of the Bukhara locomotive depot of the UE "Regional Railway Junction Bukhara";
Khaidarov Lutfullo Ibrokhimovich - Deputy Head of the Operations Department of Locomotives.
Since March 2, 2021:
Khakimov Bekmurot Bakhtiyorovich - acting Deputy Director of the UE "Plant for repair of tracked vehicles and excavators" for production.
Since March 1, 2021:
Rasulov Ikrom Anvarovich - Deputy Head of the Experimental Track Machine Station No. 203;
Bobokulov Jamshid Nosirovich - acting Director of DP "Sogdiana Trans" UE "O’zbektemiryo’lexpedisiya".
Since February 19, 2021:
Hamroliev Azizjon Ibrokhimzhonovich - Head of the Department Personnel and Training;
Tukhtaev Vakhobjon Khusenovich - acting Deputy Head of the Department Personnel and Training;
Zhumabaev Omirzakh Bazarovich - Head of the locomotive depot Urgench UE "Regional railway junction Kungrad".
Since February 18, 2021:
Sharipov Ilyosbek Ilkhomovich - Head of the Secretariat at the Chairman of the Board.
Since February 11, 2021:
Akhmedov Shukhrat Khairullaevich - Deputy Head of the locomotive depot Uzbekistan for operation.
Since January 11, 2021:
Dekhkanov Davron Tulkunovich - First Deputy Head of the Main Directorate for the Development of Logistics and Digitalization.
Since January 4, 2021:
Dadakhanov Dilmurod Kazagalievich - Deputy Head of the Signaling and Communication Department for Signaling.
Since December 25, 2020:
Sagdullaev Feruz Fatkhullaevich - Deputy Head of UE "Ugam-Chatkal State Biosphere Reserve".
Since December 23, 2020:
Abdullaev Shukhrat Ibadullaevich - acting Head of the Directorate for Capital Construction.
Since December 15, 2020:
Mansurova Dilorom Makhsudovna - Director of the Palace of Culture of Railwaymen.
Since December 14, 2020:
Turdiev Uchkun Orifovich - Head of the Bukhara-1 station of the UE "Regional Railway Junction Bukhara";
Khudayarov Abdigappar Azatovich - Head of the Karakalpak track distance of the UE "Regional railway junction Kungrad".
Since October 16, 2020:
Hamroliev Azizjon Ibrokhimzhonovich - acting Head of the Department Personnel and Training;
Sharipov Ilesbek Ilkhomovich - acting Head of the Secretariat at the Chairman of the Board;
Khamdamov Nurali Mukhtorovich - acting Head of the Department for Operation of Locomotives - Deputy Head of the Unified Dispatch Center;
Soriev Akmal Eshmuminovich - Head of the locomotive depot in Karshi of the UE "Regional railway junction of Karshi";
Salimov Mukhsin Madaminovich - Head of the Kokand locomotive depot of the UE "Regional railway junction Kokand";
Turdiev Uchun Orifovich - acting Head of the Bukhara-1 station of the UE "Regional Railway Junction Bukhara";
Zhapakov Sherali Umarovich - acting Deputy Head of the Directorate for Operation and Development of the Sardoba Reservoir Object;
Akhmadzhonov Gakhramon Bakhodir Ugli - Deputy Head of the UE "Regional Railway Junction Kokand" - acting Head of the Namangan station;
Artikov Nuriddin Nuralievich - Chief engineer of UE "Uztemiryulkurilishmontaj";
Abdullaev Akramjon Anarkulovich - Deputy General Director of UE "Uztemiryulkurilishmontaj" for construction.
Since August 25, 2020:
Rakhmangulov Viner Munirovich - Deputy Head of the Legal Service.
Since August 17, 2020:
Yusupov Farkhod Ruzmamatovich - acting Head of the Legal Service.
Since July 29, 2020:
Kamalov Bekzod Abdullaevich - acting the trust manager of the UE "Kuprikkurilish".
Since July 28, 2020:
Saidov Abrorjon Anvarovich - Deputy Head of the Directorate of Administration;
Hamroliev Azizjon Ibrokhimzhonovich - Deputy Head of the Department Personnel and Training.
Since July 17, 2020:
Rukhitdinov Shukhrat Kamilzhanovich - Deputy General Director of UE "Uztemiryulmashtamir" for economic and financial issues;
Ramatov Nurbek Ozatovich - Deputy General Director of UE "Uztemiryulmashtamir" for personnel and social issues.
Since 6 July, 2020:
Gulomov Tulkin Tursunovich - Head of the Akhunbabaev station of the UE "Regional railway junction Kokand";
Rakhmanov Rashid Omonovich - acting Head of the Kokand Signaling and Communication Distance of UE "Regional Railway Junction Kokand".
Since July 1, 2020:
Atazhanov Kamal Atavaevich - Head of the Department Corporate Relations with Shareholders.
Since June 30, 2020:
Sodikov Zhakhongir Khamidullaevich - Head of the Khavast track distance of the UE "Regional Railway Junction Tashkent";
Burnashev Shamil Rinatovich - Deputy Head of the Department of Strategic Development.
Since June 25, 2020:
Khusainov Navruz Bakhtiyorovich - acting Head of the Samarkand station of the UE "Regional Railway Junction Bukhara".
Since June 15, 2020:
Karimov Kamil Rakhmatillaevich - Deputy Head of the the Department militarized protection - acting Head of the Kamchik detachment.
Since June 5, 2020:
Abdullaev Khurshid Khashimovich - acting Director of the Kokand Professional College of Railway Transport;
Erdanov Nodirbek Ibragimovich - Deputy General Director of UE "Uztemiryulkurilishmontaj" - acting Head of the construction department of hydraulic structures.
Since May 26, 2020:
Kakhkhorov Said Zhabborovich - Head of the Directorate for Operation and Development of the Reservoir "Sardoba".
Since April 24, 2020:
Allamberganov Tenelbay Berkinbaevich - head of the locomotive depot Kungrad Unitary Enterprise “Regional railway junction Kungrad”
Jumabaev Umirzakh Bazarbaevich - Deputy Head of the Department for the Operation of Locomotive Operations.
Since April 21, 2020:
Kakharov Erkinjan Vasidovich - First Deputy General Director of UE “Uztemiryo’lqurilishmontaj”
Odilov Alisher Ravshanovich - General Director of UE “Uztemiryo’lqurilishmontaj”
Since April 20, 2020:
Bahadirov Akmalkhon Fuod ogli - acting Deputy Head of the Department of International Cooperation and Foreign Economic Relations
Since April 9, 2020:
Mukhamedov Rustam Miniakhmedovich - First Deputy Head of the Main Directorate for the Development of Logistics Development and Digitalization for the of International Transport Corridors
Asrorov Sanjar Sattorovich - acting Head of Transportation Management
Sharipov Ilesbek Ilkhomovich - deputy head of the Secretariat under the chairman of the board - head of the department for control of execution
Since April 3, 2020:
Artikov Nuriddin Nuralievich - acting Deputy General Director of Unitary Enterprise “Uztemiryo’lqurilishmontaj” for construction
Since March 27, 2020:
Mansurova Dilorom Makhsudovna - director of the cultural and educational center
Amanov Avaz Miragzamovich - deputy director of the cultural and educational center
Since March 20, 2020:
Madrahimov Shodlik Nazarovic - Deputy Head of the Department of Agriculture
Since March 19, 2020:
Umarov Nurbek Akhmadovic - acting Deputy Head of the Directorate for the Development and Operation of the Sardoba Reservoir
Since March 13, 2020:
Nurmatov Shavkat Shakiralievic - Deputy Head of the Directorate for Capital Construction
Toshhodjaev Umid Muminhodjaevic - Deputy Head of the Main Department for the Development of Logistics and Digitalization for the Development of Internal Logistics
Kosimov Adhamjon Kahramonovic - deputy head of the center "Uzjeldorrasschet"
Since March 12, 2020:
Kurbanov Sherali Tursunovic - head of the Galaba station of the "Regional Railway Junction Termez" Unitary Enterprise
Since March 3, 2020:
Fayzullaev Shamsutdin Zukhrutdinovic - Deputy Head of the Department of Labor Protection, Technical and Industrial Safety
Since February 26, 2020:
Khudoykulov Askar Kholjigitovic - deputy head of the locomotive depot in Uzbekistan for repairs
Babakhalov Narbuta Eshnazarovic - Advisor to the Chairman of the Board on improving the effectiveness of spiritual and educational work, ensuring compliance with legislation on the state language
Since February 24, 2020:
Azimov Hasan Shovkatovic - First Deputy Head of the Department of Freight and Commercial Work
Azimov Mansur Tokhirovich- Deputy Director of the Commercial Foundry-Mechanical Plant
Eshonkulov Farmon Makhammadievic - Deputy Director of Production and Foundry-Mechanical Plant DP
Since February 14, 2020:
Allamov Alisher Yarashovic - Head of Human Resources and Training
Mamasidikov Mukhsinjon Musajonovic - head of the medical service
Since February 10, 2020:
Samadov Hassan Tursunmurod ugl - acting Deputy Head of the Department of Railway Engineering, Machines and Mechanisms
Kodirov Toir Dilshadovic - Assistant to the Chairman of the Board
Since February 04, 2020:
Jalalov Khodzhiakbar Salimjanovic - acting Deputy Head of Unitary Enterprise “Regional Railway Junction Tashkent” - Head of the Department of Transportation and Station Work
Since January 30, 2020:
Kodirov Toir Dilshadovic - Deputy Head of the Directorate of Management of Affairs
Babakhalov Narbuta Eshnazarovich - Advisor to the Chairman of the Board
Since January 29, 2020:
Kumakov Nasibila Mamatovic - Deputy Director of DP “Andijan Mechanical Plant” for the production, construction and repair of freight cars
Tadjiboev Bakhtiyor Abdulazizovic - Deputy Director of the DP “Andijan Mechanical Plant” for general issues
Since January 27, 2020:
Kadirov Azizjon Sharipdzhonovic - head of the Havast station - deputy head of the Regional Railway Junction Tashkent Unitary Enterprise for the Havast junction
Since January 22, 2020:
Tulyaganov Oybek Turabekovic - acting Trust Manager Kuprikkurilish
Khajhaev Khusniddin Juraevic - acting deputy chief of a specialized track mechanized station for civil structures
Since January 22, 2020:
Yusupjonov Bakhtiyor Yusupjon ugli - acting Deputy Head of Strategic Development
Since January 14, 2020:
Subanov Ibrohim Mirzaalievic - Deputy General Director of Unitary Enterprise "Uztemiryo'lqurilishmontaj" for economic and financial issues
Since January 13, 2020:
Nurmatov Shavkat Shakiralievic - Deputy Head of the Main Directorate for the Development of Logistics and Digitalization for the Development of Internal Logistics