RRJ Kokand: Development of information technologies and communications

In the Kokand regional railway junction in July 2020, by JSC "O’zbekiston Temir Yo’llari" there was organized an information security and information development department, which implements modern and innovative technologies in the railway sector.

A lot of work has been done since the inception of this department. Each department in the administrative building of the RRJ Kokand is provided with an Internet network, each station manager's office is equipped with a modern monoblock and webcams. In order to ensure information security on computers connected to the Internet, special programs are installed to protect against cyber-attacks and block inappropriate sites. In addition, taking into account the intermediate distances between the stations, a software system for remote control of the necessary settings at the stations was launched. In order to control the entry and exit of employees into the administrative building of the RRJ, a turnstile device was re-equipped, connected to the network, and employees were provided with ID cards.

For the convenience of RRJ Kokand employees, old computers were replaced with new ones, dot matrix printers were replaced with modern inkjet and laser printers. To obtain complete information about wages, a bot was created in the telegram channel "oylikinfobot", where each of the employees can electronically receive their Payroll wages . In addition, in order to implement a more simplified document flow and reduce overhead costs, documents are now sent via the Internet.

A significant reduction in costs is observed in paper consumption - up to 32.5%, electricity up to 31%, and the need for spare parts has been reduced to 50%.

- Within the framework of measures implemented in the future, a special place is occupied by the development of informatization, - said Z. Sodikov, head of the information technology development department of the RRJ Kokand. - Through the full use of information systems and resources, it will be possible to improve the railway system, introduce modern information technologies and communications, as well as modernize the telecommunications infrastructure in the railway sector.

Considering the above, the department has planned a number of works aimed at the development of information technology. These include a complete transfer of document flow to electronic form, further increase in the speed of the Internet and the automation of work in this area by creating new programs typical for the railway industry.

Information and analytical media center


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